Safe return to onsite classes at Kids Coder Lab

Safe return to onsite classes at Kids Coder Lab

Safe return to onsite classes at Kids Coder Lab


After months of teaching remotely, we are eagerly awaiting our onsite classes. We are all looking forward to interactions that are not mediated by means of distance communication. We missed our students and we know our young programmers also missed meetings their peers at Kids Coder Lab. We also know that the parents and guardians of our students need some space and time to focus on their professional lives.

A return to the onsite form of teaching is an enormous responsibility and we take it extremely seriously. We care about the safety of our students and employees, as well as their families. Kids Coder Lab is a private educational facility, supervised by the Education Office and the Ministry of Education. For this reason we follow the Ministry’s guidelines for the new school year.

Below, we list some rules and additional information that are most important in the context of a safe return to onsite classes. The list relates to onsite classes at our location at ul. Hlonda 10 in Warsaw. For onsite classes at our partner schools we will follow the schools’ regulations.

Our onsite classes can be attended by students:

  • who are healthy, with no symptoms of respiratory infections,
  • whose household members are not quarantined or isolated at home.

If a child is enrolled in an onsite course but cannot attend a lesson, e.g. because of a cold, please contact us. We will try to find a possibility to make up for the lost class – online or during a different onsite class on a different date.

While visiting Kids Coder Lab:

  • the child may be accompanied by 1 guardian, and the maximum number of guardians present at one time on our premises is 2; we encourage allowing children to enter our facility on their own,
  • guardians should maintain a 1.5m distance from other guardians and the school staff,
  • guardians should cover their mouth and nose and disinfect hands or use protective gloves,
  • guardian have access only to the public area of our facility – the reception area – and cannot enter the computer lab.

We encourage you to contact by primarily by phone or email to discuss any matters concerning classes or organisation.

Class organisation and hygienic rules at our facility

After they arrive at Kids Coder Lab, students wash hands. Then they take their places in the computer lab and participate in the class. After the class, computer stations are disinfected, and the room is aired – for this reasons we have extended the breaks between the classes to half an hour. Longer breaks allow us also to decrease the numbers of interactions between student groups.

We have equipped our facility in the elements necessary in the new sanitary regime:

  • contactless thermometer at the disposal of the Kids Coder Lab staff,
  • contactless hand disinfecting station,
  • informational materials (telephone numbers to appropriate services, hand washing and disinfecting instructions).

An additional elements is a mechanical air ventilation system that has been designed and implemented at our facility in accordance with the guidelines for private educational facilities, and was a preprequisite for Kids Coder Lab to obtain the status of a private educational facility approved by the Education Office.

Our offer

en Enrol now Roblox Lab

Roblox Lab

Age 10–12 Onsite 1 year long English For beginners
pl Enrol now Programming and Robotics

Programming and Robotics

Age 6–7 Onsite 1 year long Polish For beginners
pl Enrol now Mobile App Design

Mobile App Design

Age 10–12 Onsite 1 year long Polish For beginners
pl Enrol now Programming with Minecraft (Kids)

Programming with Minecraft (Kids)

Age 7–8 Onsite 1 year long Polish For beginners
See more

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