Enrolment for 2020/2021 is open!

Enrolment for 2020/2021 is open!

Enrolment for 2020/2021 is open!


The summer holidays are not over yet, but most of us slowly start preparing for the new school year. Time to shop for stationary, review school wardrobe and… choose new classes, and are pleased to announce that course enrolment at Kids Coder Lab for 2020/2021 is now open!

In the new school year we will offer many new courses as well as all-time favourite classes, very popular among those who begin their adventure with programming:

Courses for continuing students:

  • Programming with Minecraft (mods) – for students from grades 2–4 who completed Programming with Minecraft (Junior)
  • Intermediate Python – for students from grades 4–6 who completed Interactive Projects with Python
  • Python App Lab – for students from last grades of primary school and first grades of secondary schools who completed Programming in Python

Courses for all students:

  • Introduction to game design – a new course for students from grades 2–4 which introduces children to the world of game design and animation on the Kody and Scratch platforms
  • Game Lab – a new course for students from grades 4–6 who are ready to make a transition from block-based to text-based coding and want to become familiar with the Stencyl and Roblox Studio environments
  • MIT App Inventor – a new course for students from grades 4–6 who are interested in creating their own Android apps

The class schedule on our website includes onsite classes taking place at Kids Coder Lab at ul. Hlonda 10. If you are interested in continuing the classes online, please contact us by email. Class schedules at our partner schools will be published later, after we create them in coordination with the schools, taking into account students school schedules.

Our offer

pl Enrol now Mobile App Design

Mobile App Design

Age 10–12 Onsite 1 year long Polish For beginners
pl Enrol now Programming and Robotics

Programming and Robotics

Age 6–7 Onsite 1 year long Polish For beginners
en Enrol now Roblox Lab

Roblox Lab

Age 10–12 Onsite 1 year long English For beginners
pl Enrol now Programming with Minecraft (Junior)

Programming with Minecraft (Junior)

Age 8–9 Onsite 1 year long Polish For beginners
See more

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